"In FaerieLand there is a place called ‘Sidhe Comhairle’ (pronounced ‘Shee Corla’) and wisdom it bestowed, to habitate alongside nature in the enchanted forest in The Dome.”
Hello my friend, I hope your week-end is relaxing and peaceful. Mine is full and busy with the boys, as usual. The knee is sloooowwwwwllllyyyy getting better.
Look what Mulan received in her facebook the other day…. She has not yet
responded, actually she does not know what to say, so I suggested we’d toss the ball to you, as it’s now your chair.
How’s the puppy?
— Original Message —–
To: Kerensa
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 11:04 AM
Subject: Letter from Willow
Willow sent you a message.
Subject: blast from the past
Hi Mulan,
You just have to love facebook. We used to be neighbors many years ago living on west 11th (was it??) across from that school. You lived with your sister Sunya and little brother Che, I lived with my sister Rachel and our mom, Sharon and my mom’s boyfriend, Norman . We used to play barbies and have many adventures…I wonder if you remember me?
I remember thinking how interesting your family was with an asian dad and dutch mom, now I am married to a Japanese man so I guess you folks set the standard!
I know this is a crazy question (if you even remember little blond Willow from next door) but when we moved to Lund and left Vancouver my mom sold a beloved family chair to your parents. It was green and had claw feet and was huge. If your parents still have it, tell them I would love to buy it back if they are ever wanting to let it go. I have never forgotten about it, lots of memories and have in fact been scouring antique stores in Vancouver looking for it-thinking it might be back in circulation. I hope that’s not too crazy for you!
I am living in Vancouver, are you? I am a social worker with two kids, 12 and 9, I am also an artist. I would love to find out how you and your family are doing.
Please be in touch!
Introducing the latest book from Roisin Sheehy-Culhane…
Illustrated by multi-talented artist Hugh Prichard
Available from Xlibris or
The Magical Dome Phone: 604-483-9160 Email:lundmagicaldome@gmail.com
“When Mama Goes to Work: Devin’s Story” follows the adventures of Devin, the son of a working mum who parents alone. It’s an exciting life! At daycare he plays with friends from a wide variety of races and nationalities, like Devin himself. His mother is Irish/Jewish/Canadian and his dad Jamaican/Canadian. Spanish language lessons are included there with Ana from Chile. Also from Chile, and part of his extended family, are Paulina, Abuela and Tata, who speak Spanish with him.
His great-auntie takes him to visit First Nations cousins. He travels on two ferry boats to spend time with auntie, cousins, grandma and grandpa in coastal British Columbia while mum flys off in an airplane for work.
Devin cries when mum leaves, but Devin knows,
“Mama always comes back
Mama will always love him
Mama will always be his friend.”
Devin came to stay with us in Lund on the Sunshine Coast for a week when he was three years old. Monthly travel is part of my daughter Triona’s work schedule. It was the longest period she had ever been away from him. We had a wonderful time. He had his teary moments of missing her terribly and wailing that…
“Mama doesn’t love me,
She’ll never come back,
She doesn’t want to be my friend.”
It broke our hearts, of course. Having parented my own three children for most of their growing years without their father, I am aware of societal and cultural pressures on women who either choose, or find themselves, the lone parent. Mother’s who work to support their family are inclined to feel guilty that their children are missing out on the two-parent stay-at-home traditional mum nuclear family life. In our own family history, this hasn’t been the case for the last four generations of women and children yet it’s still looked on as “normal”.
I wanted Devin to have a story of his life that showed how privileged his lifestyle is.
Originally, this little story was written as a Christmas present for Devin, in a binder with photographs. Hugh Prichard generously agreed to illustrate. I then self-published this book to make it available for others.